






Cold-rolled hard board
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We have introduced a set of 1420 pickling line-tandem cold rolling mill (PL-TCM), which is jointly designed and manufactured by CFHI and WISDR. Electrical part is Shanghai BAOSIGHT’s automatic control system and unit equipment is configured reasonably. The equipment is able to reach domestic first-rate level. Machinery equipment is composed of laser welding equipment, spraying turbulence-flow pickling equipment, high-precision dual-tower cutting equipment (SMS), five-rack channeling roll UCM tandem mill and new-type rotary dual-coiling block coiling machine. Electrical part of rolling mill is designed with second flow control system and key electrical equipment includes laser velocimeter (BETA), thickness gauge (IMS), tension meter (ABB) and shape meter (ABB), all of which can control sheet thickness and shape automatically; rolling speed can reach 1,500 m/min and designed annual output of unit is 1.2 million t. With thickness within 0.2—2.0 mm, the finished product is mainly oriented to household appliance, food, building and auto markets.


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